13 Food

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Eat For Health

Food is medicine!


Best Foods to Eat Often

Apples: Fiber & vitamin c. (Granny smith and Red delicious are the best ones).

Bananas: Potassium and fiber.

Beans: Fiber and protein

Berries: Fiber and antioxidants. (Blueberries, blackberries and strawberries).

Green leafy vegetables: Vitamins, calcium and iron. (Cauliflower/cabbage/spinach/chard/kale).

Herbs and Spices: Antioxidants. (Cayenne pepper, cinnamon and oregano).

Nuts and Seeds: Protein and fiber. (Walnuts and Almonds).

Oats: Antioxidants and fiber

Olive Oil: Antioxidants

Pomegranates: Antioxidants

Sweet Potatoes: Full of vitamins

The 7 Best Anti-Cancer Foods to Eat

Broccoli: Raw, steamed or lightly sautéed

Brussel Sprouts: Steamed or lightly sautéed

Bok Choy: Steamed

Cauliflower: Raw, steamed or lightly sautéed

Cabbage: Raw or steamed

Collard greens: Steamed or lightly sautéed

Kale: Raw, steamed or lightly sautéed

Shopping at the Market

When shopping, make an investment in your health now and for the future by making informed and healthy choices. Here is a list compiled by The Environmental Working Group, of the 12 fruits and vegetables with the most pesticide residue.

As often as you can, buy these organically grown, which fall into the Dirty Dozen ™ group:

Nectarines, Apples, Pears, Strawberries, Imported Grapes, Cherries, Red Bell Peppers, Celery, Kale, Lettuce, and Carrots.

Buy organic or conventionally grown foods that fall in the Clean 15 ™ (which typically test relatively low for pesticides):

Avocados, Sweet Corn, Pineapples, Cabbage, Sweet Peas (frozen), Onions, Asparagus, Mangoes, Papayas, Kiwi, Eggplant, Grapefruit, Cantaloupe, Cauliflower and Sweet Potatoes.

Soak Your Walnuts

The Importance of Soaking Walnuts and Almonds


Raw nuts contain moderate levels of phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors. Phytic acid is biologically necessary for the plant, as it helps safeguard the nut or seed until proper growing conditions are present and germination can occur.


These enzyme inhibitors prevent the seed from sprouting prematurely, but can cause potential problems in humans by binding to nutrients in the body and contributing to nutrient deficiencies and digestive system irritation.


Seeds and nuts store phosphorus as phytic acid and it becomes a phytate when it binds to a mineral. In the body, this process can stop nutrients from being absorbed in the digestive system and reduces the digestibility of these foods.


How to Soak Seeds and Nuts


Soak in warm water, which will neutralize many of the enzyme inhibitors and increase the bio-availability of many nutrients, especially b-vitamins.

Within 7-24 hours, many of the enzyme inhibitors are broken down. I’ve found that nuts that have been pre-soaked taste much better.


What You Need:

  • 2 cups of raw, organic nuts (it is better to soak one kind at a time)
  • 3-4 cups of warm water (to cover nuts)


What to Do:

  • Place the warm water in a medium bowl or jar (half gallon or larger).
  • Add the nuts or seeds, making sure they are completely submerged in the water.
  • Leave uncovered on the counter or other warm place (not the refrigerator) for at least 7 hours, preferably overnight.


Rinse in a colander and spread on a kitchen towel to dry or bake in the oven on a baking sheet at lowest temperature (150 F). This step is important, as any remaining moisture in the nuts or seeds can cause them to mold.


Source: Wellness Mama


Organic Food Rocks


An organic farmer is the best peacemaker today because there is more violence, more death, more destruction, more wars through a violent industrial agricultural system. Organic farming is a way to shift towards both a food and a social culture of peace.
-Vandana Shiva

3 Other Reasons Why Food Grown Organically Rocks

women use jpg1-Buying organic food helps to reduce our dependence on non-renewable resources, since organic agriculture uses less fossil fuel and has a better carbon footprint.

2-Organically grown fruits, vegetables, and herbs are free from harmful pesticides that studies have linked to learning disabilities and common diseases and health conditions. such as asthma, autism, birth defects, diabetes, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, and several types of cancer.

3-In addition to being safer to eat, organically grown foods don’t expose farmers and other food workers to fertilizers and other toxins. Nor do they pose the threat of contaminating our water supplies with harmful chemicals.

(More information available in the LOLA Lots of Love Always book)

Vitamin D

Known as the sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D is produced by the body in response to skin being exposed to sunlight. It is also occurs naturally in a few foods — including eggs, salmon, sardines, and tuna — and in fortified dairy and grain products.

Vitamin D is essential for strong bones, because it helps the body use calcium from the diet. Vitamin D boosts the immune system as well. A growing body of evidence shows that vitamin D plays a crucial role in disease prevention and maintaining optimal health. There are about 30,000 genes in your body, and vitamin D affects nearly 3,000 of them, as well as vitamin D receptors located throughout your body. According to one large-scale study, optimal Vitamin D levels can slash your risk of cancer by as much as 60 percent. Keeping your levels optimized can help prevent at least 16 different types of cancer, including pancreatic, lung, ovarian, prostate and skin cancers.

chicken eggs in a basket on a blue wooden table

chicken eggs in a basket on a blue wooden table

Reasons why Vitamin D deficiency is increasing:

*People are staying indoors more, to avoid the heat and fear of skin cancer.
*Increased use of multi-media indoors.
*More indoor jobs, less farmers.
*More soft drinks and fructose, which uses up calcium which uses up Vitamin D.
*Increased use of prescription drugs which consume or block the absorption of Vitamin D.

Check with your doctor: testing your blood is the only way to know your Vitamin D levels.

To learn more about Vitamin D: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/05/28/vitamin-d-deficiency-signs-symptoms.aspx

Eat Bananas!

Bananas are a great dietary source of potassium and fiber. Besides helping to regulate blood pressure, bananas are good for your skin, and can even improve your mood because they aid the body in producing serotonin, which makes you feel relaxed. -LOLA, p. 173

Banana skin graphic by artist Gretchen Roehrs @groehrs

Healthy Food Near You


I love the Happycow.net and I’m so thrilled that I found it, and can share it with you. This is such a wonderful resource and one that I have been looking for! Through their site you can easily find vegan and vegetarian restaurants, either near where you live or when you are traveling. They have listings for 175 countries, a brilliant resource for travelers and people everywhere who want to find healthy food to eat wherever they are.
The Happycow community has grown to include members from around the world who are passionate about the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle as a healthy, compassionate, and environmentally sustainable way of living.

Happy cow.net is a free-to-use site. Download their app for $3.99 (or gift it to a loved one) and support their work.


It’s Strawberry Season!!!

Strawberry Season 2016

Buy Delicious Strawberries?
Did you know… that strawberries are low in calories and fat, but rich in many health promoting phyto-nutrients, minerals and vitamins that are essential for optimum health. They are an excellent source of vitamin C, B6, A, E, niacin, riboflavin, folic acid and antioxidants.
When buying fresh strawberries, do not wash them until you are ready to use them! Washing will add moisture and will cause the berries to spoil more rapidly.
When you are ready to enjoy your strawberries, gently rinse them with caps still on. After washing, remove the caps and enjoy!
If you aren’t going to eat them right away, you can either story them in a glass container in the fridge, or freeze them, which will keep their flavor for months.


Did you know… that a dentist was the co-inventor of the cotton candy machine?

Sugar - Cotton Candy

Sugar is one of the most damaging substances that you can ingest – and what’s terrifying about it is that it’s just so abundant in our everyday diet. The human body is not made to consume excessive amounts of sugar, especially in the form of fructose. In fact, your body metabolizes fructose differently than sugar. It is actually a hepatotoxin and is metabolized directly into fat – factors that can cause a whole host of problems that can have far-reaching effects on your health.

 How to Manage and/or Limit Your Sugar Consumption

Sugar, in its natural form, is not inherently bad, as long as it’s consumed in moderation. This means avoiding all sources of fructose, particularly processed foods and beverages like soda. According to SugarScience.org, 74 percent of processed foods contain added sugar stealthily hidden under more than 60 different names. Ideally, you should spend 90 percent of your food budget on whole foods, and only 10 percent or less on processed foods.

It’s recommended that you severely limit your consumption of refined carbohydrates (waffles, cereals, bagels, etc.) and grains, as they actually break down to sugar in your body, which increases your insulin levels and causes insulin resistance.

As a general recommendation, keep your total fructose consumption below 25 grams per day, including that from whole fruit. Keep in mind that although fruits are rich in nutrients and antioxidants, they also naturally contain fructose, and if consumed in high amounts may actually worsen your insulin sensitivity and raise your uric acid levels. Check out this article to see how much fructose is in the common fruits you eat.

Remember that artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose are also a no-no, as they actually come with a whole new set of health problems that are much worse than what sugar or corn syrup can bring.

 Here are some additional dietary tips to remember:

Increase your consumption of healthy fats, such as omega-3, saturated, and monounsaturated fats. Your body needs health-promoting fats from animal and vegetable sources for optimal functioning. In fact, emerging evidence suggests that healthy fats should make up at least 70 percent of your diet. Some of the best sources include organic butter from raw milk, (unheated) virgin olive oil, coconut oil, raw nuts like pecans and macadamia, free-range eggs, avocado, and wild Alaskan salmon.

Drink pure, clean water. Simply swapping out all the sweetened beverages like sodas and fruit juices for pure water can go a long way toward improving your health. The best way to gauge your water needs is to observe the color of your urine (it should be light pale yellow) and the frequency of your bathroom visits (ideally, this is around seven to eight times per day).

Add fermented foods to your meals. The beneficial bacteria in these healthful foods can support your digestion and provide detoxification support, which helps lessen the fructose burden on your liver. Some of the best choices include kimchi, natto, organic yogurt and kefir made from grass-fed milk, and fermented vegetables.

To read the entire article: http://articles.mercola.com/sugar-side-effects.aspx

Healthier Fast Food Options


Even if you are diligent about packing healthful foods when going to school, college or traveling, sometimes healthy dining options are limited. While I suggest you avoid eating fast food entirely, if you must, please keep the following in mind when ordering: 

  1. No matter how hungry you are, you are better off ordering a small amount of food and making up for it with healthier foods later.
  2. Pile on the lettuce, tomato and other vegetables that come with your order, to add some fiber and antioxidants. If choosing a sandwich, opt for going bun-free, I know of no fast food restaurant that has truly whole grains anywhere in the kitchen.
  3. Go for the salad – this option is now commonly available at fast-food establishments. The dressings are often soybean oil based, ask for a side of salsa to use as dressing.
  4. Ask to see a list of the nutritional content of menu items. Some restaurants have them posted – if they don’t, ask for them, and then ask yourself if you really want to eat there.
  5. Don’t forget that the grocery store makes a perfect fast food option. Run in and pick up some cheese, nuts or plain yogurt.
source: drweil.com

How To Store Asparagus


It’s asparagus season! When you buy a bunch at the market, do you know what is the best way to store them so they stay fresh? Place them straight up in a small cup with a little water in the fridge. With this method, you can usually store asparagus for 5-7 days.

Sprout Sprouts!

Sprouts provide a wealth of nutrition in a small package.

Sprouting is the process whereby seeds are germinated and eaten either raw or cooked.

Sprouts are veritable stars of the vegetable world. They have many health benefits which include high levels of dietary fiber, B complex vitamins and protein. Sprouts also contain digestive enzymes and some of the highest known levels of certain antioxidants. One cup of sprouts provides 119 percent of your daily allotment of vitamin C.

When growing sprouts at home, look for seeds that have been specially prepared for sprouting.

What you will need to grow your own sprouts:

1-Wide-mouthed glass jars; making sure they’ve been cleaned and sanitized.

2-Mesh or cheesecloth and something to secure it to the jar (as in, a rubber band.


When you are ready to start:

1-Wash the seeds, or beans. Place one or two tablespoons of seeds in the jar (make sure they don’t take up more than a quarter of the jar; they will expand a great deal) and cover with a few inches of water and secure the mesh or cheesecloth on top. Let soak for 8 to 12 hours at room temperature.

2-Drain the seeds and rinse them, then drain again. Find an area out of direct sunlight and place the jars upside-down, but at an angle to allow drainage and air-circulation through the mesh (over a bowl works well).

3-Rinse and drain the seeds between two and four times a day, making sure that they never dry out completely.

4-As soon as they are big enough, harvest! This generally takes from three to seven days – and as little as one day – depending on what you’re sprouting. Lentils and mung beans, for instance, may just take a day or two. Sprouts are at their best when they’re still on the relatively small side and just starting to turn green.

5-Give them a final rinse and allow them to drain very well in a colander, removing any unsprouted seeds. Once they are dry, store them in a glass jar with a lid, in the fridge and use within a week. All sprouts can be eaten raw, and all but the most delicate (like alfalfa) can be gently cooked as well.

*I love to add them to salads, or cook them lightly with a little garlic or onion, and ½ cup cooked quinoa and a 6 minute boiled egg on top. Delicious!

Resources: http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/benefits-sprouting-seeds-2304.html


Storing Ginger
storingginger ch13

Just store it in the refrigerator unwrapped!

Choose Organic Garlic


When buying garlic, why should you choose organically grown garlic instead of conventionally grown? Because about a third of the garlic in the United States comes from China, where many Chinese farmers use pesticides that are illegal to use for farming, such as phorate and parathion, both labeled HIGHLY TOXIC POISONS.

China’s pollution problem and soil is also a cause for concern since nearly a fifth of China’s soil is contaminated by heavy metals like cadmium and arsenic.

So when buying garlic at a grocery store, look for these things:

  • If it has roots and a stem, it is safe. China will cut these off before they ship them to save weight.
  • Safe garlic is heavier and more bulbous. Imported garlic from China is lighter.



Are they better to buy fresh or frozen?

It depends.
Fresh is best if you want to eat them that day/or evening. Frozen is best if you won’t be eating them till the following week. Veggies lose certain nutrients over time but eating frozen produce is still better than not eating it at all.
Source: Better Homes and Gardens/Oct 2015

Out & About


What do nutritionists eat when they are out for drinks? 

*Olives and Almonds
*Crunchy Vegetables and Hummus
*Guacamole and Baked Corn Tortillas chips
*Kale Chips
These are all loaded with healthy fats and are anti-inflammatory unlike many of their fried friends. All of these also make great hors d’oeuvres when you are entertaining at home.
Expected from Mind Body Green.

Making Tea

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I love having a cup of tea in the morning, after I wake up…and in the afternoon, around 4pm. It’s so lovely to take a break from my work and have a quiet moment to myself.

The tea I use is always organic.
When I found out many years ago that conventionally grown teas are sprayed with pesticides then harvested, dried and packaged without being washed, I decided to only drink organically grown tea from there on.
The tea I use is available in my store, which comes in a 1 pound bag, that I store in the freezer. I just fill up a small glass jar with it and use/and refill as needed: http://www.priscillawoolworth.com/store/frontier-english-breakfast-tea-organic-fair-trade-1-pound

Eat Bananas


Bananas are an excellent source of potassium and fiber. Besides helping to regulate blood pressure, bananas are good for the skin, and can even improve your mood because they aid the body in producing serotonin, which helps you to feel more relaxed. ~LOLA Lots of Love Always, p. 173.

Protein Rich Food


Concerned about not getting enough protein if you are a vegetarian? 

Here are 6 sources of daily protein you can choose from. Each one offers one ounce of protein for a meatless alternative:
1/4 Cup of Tofu
5 Teaspoons of Sunflower seeds
1/4 Cup cooked Chickpeas
1 Tablespoon Peanut Butter
12 Raw Almonds

2 Tablespoons of Hummus

The amount you eat depends on how physical active you are. For example, if you jog or bike 5 times a week you should consume 5 to 5.5 ounces of protein a day.
Protein matters because it’s an important component in every cell of you body. In fact, our hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Besides building and repairing bone, muscle, skin, and blood tissues, proteins help balance hormones and are integral to our immune system. 
Sources: Martha Stewart Living and the LOLA book, Chapter 13, page 177.

Eat Bell Peppers

Eat Bell Peppers

Available in appetizing colors including green, yellow, orange, red and black; eating bell peppers is an easy, refreshing way to add nutrients to your meals. Bell peppers are:

  • A low-calorie vegetable
  • An excellent source of vitamins A and C
  • A good source of dietary fiber, folic acid and Vitamin 6

Plus, if you choose red bell peppers, you will be getting lycopene, an important carotenoid that may help protect against prostate and other cancers.

Extraordinarily versatile, bell peppers can be eaten raw as crudités or in a salad; stuffed and baked; sautéed or stir-fried. Purchase bell peppers that are free of blemishes and always seek out organically grown varieties.

Source: Dr Weil



Why eat cabbage? This low-cost yet highly nutritious cruciferous vegetable contains nutrients called indoles, which may protect against both breast and prostate cancer. It also provides significant amounts of fiber and vitamin C.

Source: Dr Andrew Weil

Pass The Peas, Please!

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It’s high PEA season now and so a great time to buy them at your local market! I love to eat them raw!  



Keep tomatoes on the counter at room temperature: When tomatoes are chilled, their flavor diminishes, and the texture can turn mealy as the cold temperature breaks down the membranes inside the fruit.

Real Vanilla


Why choose real Vanilla extract over artificial Vanilla flavor? 

Vanilla extract is made by dissolving vanilla beans in alcohol to create the dark colored liquid with the powerful scent of natural vanilla. All vanilla extracts are high in alcohol, but the alcohol evaporates when exposed to high heat, such as during baking. While they may smell similar, vanilla extract is not the same as artificial vanilla flavor, which is made with a chemical extracted from coal tar and wood. Vanilla extract is richer tasting and may offer health benefits you won’t get from the artificial version.

Antioxidant Activity

Natural vanilla extract contains numerous antioxidants, including vanillic acid and vanillin. Antioxidants protect your body from damage from harmful components, such as free radicals and toxins. Researchers in a 2007 study published in the “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry” found that vanilla extract contains 26 to 90 percent of the antioxidants of unprocessed vanilla, depending on the type of antioxidant and the concentration of the extract. They concluded that vanilla showed great potential as a health supplement and as a food preservative.

I love my gift from Renee’! I’ve been using this wonderful real Vanilla in many of my dessert recipes 

source: http://www.livestrong.com/article/298410-what-are-the-health-benefits-of-vanilla-extract/

Renee Loux: http://www.reneeloux.com

For Fruit-ophiles

What one serving of fruit looks like:



Resource: http://pulptastic.com/24-must-see-diagrams-will-make-eating-healthy-super-easy/

The Story With Popcorn

air-popped-popcorn-282x300If you love and/or need popcorn, there are healthier choices available:

Best: Air Popped, Organic (1 cup: 31 calories, .96 g protein, .34 g fat, 1.2 g dietary fiber, 0 mg sodium)

Air popped popcorn is high in fiber and low in calories and fat. And it’s cheap: You can get a perfectly good air popper like this one for as little as $20. Just add GMO-free, USDA Certified Organic kernels and plug it in, and you can munch for pennies. My pro tip? Use a spray can of organic olive oil to get a light and even coating, then toss with just a little bit of good salt. (Salt and oil are not calculated into the nutritional analysis.) 

Better: Oil-Free, No-Bag Microwave Popped (1 cup: 31 calories, .96 g protein, .34 g fat, 1.2 g dietary fiber, 0 mg sodium) If you don’t have a stove top—like in a dorm room, for example—you can use the microwave for popcorn, as long as you eschew the coated bag. This 12-cup popper pops without oil or non-stick coating; the only thing I’m not keen on is the plastic top: Try placing a porcelain dish over the top instead to keep the kernels in but the chemicals out. Look for the aforementioned organic kernels, and remember that good salt is key to better flavor! 
Okay: Stove Popped (1 cup: 40 calories, .72 g protein, 2.25 g fat, .8 g dietary fiber, 0 mg sodium) Especially if you use a minimal amount of an organic oil and organic popcorn, store-popping kernels isn’t horrible—although when you prepare it this way the calories and fat go up, and the protein and fiber go down. You can use a covered pan, but this giant six-quart stainless steel popper is easier to manage. Just make sure you avoid poppers that are non-stick coated; Teflon is horrible for a host of reasons. Okay: Supermarket Bagged, Natural A recent report showed that sales of ready-to-eat popcorn have exploded in the last two years—mostly because of small independent brands marketing a “natural,” “healthy” snack. Read the nutritional labels on the package and look for those that are higher in fiber and lower in salt, fat and calories. Make sure you’re buying organic, GMO-free brands. And don’t eat the whole bag!
Bad: Movie Theater Popcorn Movie theaters typically pop their kernels in oil, rather than air, then add salt. Tons of salt! And because portion sizes are so large, you end up eating a ridiculous amount of both. There’s no official nutritional breakdown available for movie theater popcorn, but one study reported that a medium popcorn at one chain contained a full 20 cups, weighing in at 1,200 calories with 60 grams of saturated fat and 980 milligrams of sodium. A better choice would be to BYO (air-popped) B, but if you just have to have movie theater popcorn, order the smallest size—and share. Worst: Microwave Bag Popped (1 cup: 64 calories, .80 g protein, 4.79 g fat, .9 g dietary fiber, 75 mg sodium) Popcorn from a microwaved bag isn’t just bad for you—it can kill you. All ridiculous amounts of sodium aside, when you heat the bag, the chemical coating inside breaks down into PFOA, a “likely carcinogen,” according to the EPA. According to the CDC, diacetyl, the chemical that creates the artificial butter flavoring, is responsible for a respiratory disease that’s also known as “popcorn workers lung.” Yes, really. 

The Best Gluten-Free Pasta

gluten free pasta

As interest in gluten-free diets has risen, so has the number of appetizing alternatives to wheat pasta. Martha Stewart polled members at their test kitchen to find out the favorites. 

The five are:

* Quinoa Shells
* Buckwheat Soba Noodles
* Rice, Soy and Potato Penne
* Corn Spaghetti

* Brown-Rice Spirals


Buckwheat Soba Noodles pair well with grilled eggplant, sesame and soy.

Corn Noodles pair well with fresh vegetables
Quinoa Pasta is delicious with a meat sauce
Rice, Soy and Potato Penne is good with roasted tomatoes and olives
Brown-Rice Spirals is great with a cheese and bacon sauce

Check gluten-free pastas for doneness on the early side because the noodles can become soft and gummy if overcooked.
Source: Martha Stewart Living

The Key To Cleaning Cast Iron Skillets


Whatever you do, don’t soak it!

 Source: Pure Wow

Avocado is a Fruit

According to botanists (those who study plants) a fruit is the part of the plant that develops from a flower. It’s also the section of the plant that contains the seeds. The other parts of plants are considered vegetables. These include the stems, leaves and roots — and even the flower bud.

The following are technically fruits: avocado, beans, pea pods, cucumbers, grains, nuts, olives peppers, pumpkin, squash, sunflower seeds and tomatoes. Vegetables include celery (stem), lettuce (leaves), cauliflower and broccoli (buds), and beets, carrots and potatoes (roots).

Source: http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-blog/fruit-vegetable-difference/bgp-20056141

Deliciously Ella

LOLA loves Ella Woodward and her very popular food blog Deliciously Ella!


In 2011, nineteen-year-old Ella Woodward was diagnosed with a rare illness that left her bed-ridden, in chronic pain, and plagued by heart palpitations and headaches. When conventional medicine failed her, Ella decided to change her diet. She gave up meat, gluten, dairy, sugar, and anything processed—and the effects were immediate: her symptoms disappeared, her energy returned, and she was able to go off all her medication. A self-confessed sweet tooth, Ella taught herself how to make delicious, plant-based meals that delight the palette and improve overall well-being.

Her cookbook has just been released and is full of healthy, and delicious plant-based, gluten free recipes. 
Eat for your Health!

Eat Your Walnuts


Walnuts are good for you! Eat for your health.

  1. Omega-3 fatty acids, protective fats that may promote cardiovascular health, help maintain optimal cognitive function, and tone down inflammation.
  2. Heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.
  3. Ellagic acid, an antioxidant compound that helps support a healthy immune system.
  4. L-arginine, an essential amino acid that promotes healthy blood pressure.

Try adding walnuts to your plain yogurt and fruit parfaits or steel cut oatmeal to start the day, eat them as a snack, and use walnut oil in salad dressings for a nutritional boost

 Produce Waxes


When you’re at the supermarket have you noticed that some fruits and vegetables are coated with wax? Waxes are used to reduce shrinkage from moisture loss, to inhibit the growth of molds and fungi and to enhance the appearance of the product. Waxes can be removed to some extent by washing with water and to a greater degree by using soap and water. Nothing except peeling removes 100% of all waxes; however, the nutrients within the peel will be lost as well.

Source: Whole Foods

General Shopping Tips

Remember these tips on the grocery aisles: Don’t just check calories. Fifty avocado calories are not the same as 50 Cheetos calories, registered dietician Elizabeth Lee says. And if the calorie count seems low and the dish sound lush, like Fettuccine Alfredo, Lee advises asking yourself, “How do you think they did that?”

Don’t be fooled by packaging such as farm scenes on bags or labels on package fronts that suggest health benefits.

Source: Los Angeles Times

The Art of Eating Well

HEMSLEY + HEMSLEY is Melissa and Jasmine Hemsley.

  • We are a London based family business for people who want to live healthier and more energised lives.
  • We make whole, organic, nutrient filled, delicious homemade foods, free of grain, gluten, high starch and refined sugar.
  • We want to share the food we love cooking and eating.
  • Our first cookbook ‘The Art of Eating Well’ is out now.


Buy it here: http://www.priscillawoolworth.com/store/art-eating-well-hemsley-and-hemsley

Yogurt Goodness


Eat yogurt that contains probiotics because they can ward off sickness in a number of ways. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that probiotics, in the form of fermented foods such as yogurt, kombucha tea and kim chi, may strengthen a defense barrier in the gut that keeps out harmful microorganisms. Other theories hold that the “good” bacteria in probiotics help your intestines absorb the nutrients your body needs for a resilient immune system by reducing inflammation.

And while a 2011 study on probiotics and human immunity published by the National Institutes of Health calls for more research, the findings also state that probiotics have therapeutic potential for diseases including viral infection, allergies and eczema.

Eat Your SeedsDSC_0041

Over the last few years, the health benefits of seeds have become more apparent. Seeds share the cardiovascular benefits of nuts, which are significant – a daily serving of nuts is associated with a 35% reduction in heart disease risk. Plus, a tablespoon of ground flax, hemp, or chia seeds or other seeds can supply those hard-to-find omega-3 fats that protect the heart and brain. Flax, sesame, and chia seeds are also rich in lignans, a phytochemical that is especiallyprotective against breast cancer and prostate cancer. Sunflower, pumpkin, and all types of seeds have unique health benefits, and seeds are a healthful, mineral-rich protein source.

resource: Peaceful Daily: http://peacefuldaily.com/profiles/blogs/eat-your-seeds

Eat For Your Health


4 ways to a healthier you:

1-Get healthy and closer to nature by eating unprocessed foods, which retain more nutrients than processed foods.
2-Fill your plate with plants and enjoy a rainbow of fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains.
3-Choose healthy fats from whole food sources such as nuts, seeds and avocados.
4-Eat foods that are rich in nutrients when compared to whole calories.

Think Twice About Buying Any Organic Food that Contains DHA or ARA
DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) is an unapproved additive in certain organic foods and organic milk.
Companies are adding DHA and ARA (Arachidonic acid) into their products because they are omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, respectively, and also provide a unique marketing angle.(A majority of the organic food companies are sourcing their DHA and ARA from Martek Bioscienes Corporation.)
Martek’s DHA and ARA are synthetic and something antithetic to everything that certified organic stands for.
At the recent USDA/National Organic Standards Board meeting in Savannah, Georgia, the issue of DHA and ARA was discussed and voted on. Needless to say, the decision was a big loss for organic consumers.The National Organic Standards Board decided that DHA and ARA would be allowed in certified organic products but that no hexane could be used in the processing of these additives. Hexane is a neurotoxin, a by-product of gasoline in petroleum and is considered a hazardous air pollutant by the EPA.
There are two problems here.
1) Even though hexane is no longer permitted, the ruling did not specify that other “synthetic solvents”, which have the potential to be more dangerous, could not be used in the processing of DHA or ARA.
2) The Organic Consumers Association is reporting that Martek’s DHA and ARA still do not meet the standards of certified organic. Why? 
A detailed review of Martek’s patents reveal that the company is:*** Using genetic-modification in the manufacturing process for DHA –> something not allowed under USDA certified organic regulations.*** Using genetically-modified corn in the manufacturing process for DHA –> something not allowed under USDA certified organic regulations.It is an understatement to say that this situation is appalling.
Without a question, avoid all certified organic products that use added DHA or ARA.
The Cornucopia Institute provided a list of some products that contain Martek’s DHA or ARA. They are:Wegman’s Organic Yogurt (Fruit on the Bottom Super Yogurt)
Horizon Organic Milk
Stremicks Heritage Foods Organic Milk
ZenSoy Soy on the Go

Red Peppers

red pepper
The best time of year to eat red bell peppers is when they are at their nutritional peak, from July through November. Did you know…that when a green pepper turns red, it gains 11 times more beta-carotene and 1 1/2 times more vitamin C. Buy and eat red bell peppers for your health!

A Whole Food Lover
We love Sarah Britton and her My New Roots Blog! Sarah is a Canadian holistic nutritionist and chef who lives in Copenhagen. Her blog is full of the most beautiful photos of the luscious plant-based dishes she creates. She is passionate about nutrition and writing about it!

What is your food philosophy? 
A lot of people want to know “what I am” – vegetarian, vegan, raw foodist, fruitarian, macrobiotic…guess what? I am a person who eats!
My food philosophy is this: I hate labels. They stink. They force a person to define themselves with very rigid terms, and beat themselves up if they suddenly eat something that doesn’t fit that definition. I know I never want to have to label what “kind” of diet I subscribe to. Being dogmatic about anything, for me, just doesn’t work. Being flexible does.

I eat almost entirely organic food. My diet consists mainly (like, 99%) of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds. I probably eat an egg once every couple weeks if the mood strikes me, and sometimes I will enjoy some goat or sheep dairy in very small amounts. You’ll even catch me nibbling on a freshly caught fish once or twice a year at our summerhouse (if I know where it came from, who caught it, and that it was killed humanely, I’m game. Why not? There is nothing like a fish straight out of the ocean!)

The only label I’ll slap on myself is “whole-food-lover”. Nothing makes me feel better, think better, and look better than whole foods! And the big bonus? I never count calories or worry about my weight because I know that if I eat this way, my body will be in a perfect state of balance and health, naturally.



Five Servings A Day Isn’t Enough!


Eating 7 servings of fruits and vegetables a day lowers health risks, and vegetables do more good than fruit. 

Do you know what constitutes a serving? One serving equals 12 baby carrots, or 6 asparagus spears, or half a cup of cooked leafy greens.

Summer Fruit Bounty

Summertime is super delicious fruit bonanza time! Eat as often as you can the incredible peaches, nectarines, grapes, raspberries, figs, blueberries and all others that are in season this month. Eating fruits and vegetables grown locally and in season is the best time because their nutrient content is at their highest. Eat for health 🙂



How to choose seafood:

* Ask the salesperson if the fish was delivered that day or at the latest, the day before.
*The fish should smell fresh.
*Fish fillets and large pieces should be shiny and glistening and whole fish should have taut skin and bright eyes.
*Don’t buy shellfish that has cracked shells, or discoloration.
*When buying scallops, buy dry-packed, never wet-packed. Scallops should be off-white to light pink.
Source: (Adapted from) The Week magazine


Red Tomato


For highest nutritional value, choose vegetables when they are in season, like this red tomato. It’s best bought in the summer and organic and locally grown as possible for the freshest and best! Health is wealth! If we don’t have our health, nothing else is going to matter.

Kiwi & Watermelon

Based on the EWG’s (Environmental Working Group) Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides, kiwi and watermelon are on the list of produce that you can buy conventionally grown as they are the lowest in pesticides. Others on the list are onions, avocados, sweet corn (frozen), pineapples, mangos, sweet peas (frozen), asparagus, cabbage, eggplant, cantaloupe (domestic), grapefruit, sweet potatoes, and honeydew melon.



To learn more about the EWG’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides: http://www.ewg.org/foodnews/

High School Students Publish Book About Eating Healthy

A group of students at Roosevelt High School in the Boyle Heights area of Los Angeles, California, learned about healthy eating and how it improves lives. Lessons learned in the classroom were soon taken home and taught to their own families. One student wrote about how he shared his ideas with his family and the difficulties involved with trying to make them change. The lessons continued out of the classroom and into the school vegetable garden, where they were taught the basics of planting seeds and tending their crops.

Growing your own pesticide free vegetables is very satisfying and good for you too!
Have you made changes to healthier food choices? LOLA would love to know! Please share your experience with the LOLA tribe. (scroll to the bottom and leave us a comment!)


No Ice Please
A suggestion: some studies have found that ice cubes from some restaurants might contain more bacteria than a lavatory bowl. Lemon wedges as well were found to contain bacteria and potentially dangerous microorganisms. How is this possible? One reason may be the ice machine isn’t cleaned regularly and bacteria builds up and/or employees that are handling the ice and lemon slices aren’t washing their hands often enough.

So you might think twice before ordering next time. Just a suggestion.



Native to North America, the blueberry belongs to the heath family whose other members include the cranberry, huckleberry, azalea, rhododendron, and various other heathers.
Studies have shown that compounds in blueberries may protect against the eye disease macular degeneration, improve gastrointestinal health, aid in preventing Alzheimer’s or age-related dementia and guard the body against certain forms of cancer. Blueberries are a very good source of vitamin C and dietary fiber.

Just like with strawberries and raspberries: don’t wash berries until you are ready to use them and keep in a moisture-free container ( i.e.: reusable glass jar) in the fridge for 5 to 7 days.


Fabulous Fats


Recent studies have discovered that certain fats are good for us. Indeed, we all need some for optimal body functioning and here are the reasons why: fat makes and nourishes our cells, fat cushions and protects our organs and nerves, fat store vitamins and absorbs minerals and transports hormones and other nutrients throughout our blood. However, all fat is not created equal and it helps to know some good resources for healthy fat:

Four Fabulous Fats:

  1. Avocados, and avocado oil. They are an excellent source of highly nutritious monounsaturated fats.
  2. Dark Chocolate. It improves your cholesterol.
  3. Coconut, and coconut oil. Its caprice acid has antiviral properties.
  4. Olive oil. Best unfiltered, first-pressed (extra-virgin) and cold-extracted.

Oils last longer when stored out of the sun and in a cool, dark place.

zenbunni salt



Sweet Toothimages 3

The WHO, as in World Health Organization, is now recommending that our daily diet includes only 5% of sugar. We are currently clocking in at 18%, which is way too much!
Eating too much sugar is linked to heightened risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. For your sugar fix, choose fresh fruit over foods that include processed sweeteners like the dreaded high fructose corn syrup. Stay away from table and brown sugar, honey and maple syrup too.Unknown 2


* * * E A T T O L I V E D O N T L I V E T O E A T* * *

The Dirty Dozen
Photo Credit Martha Stewart Magazine

Photo Credit Martha Stewart Magazine

Make an investment in your health now and for the future by making informed choices. The Environmental Working Group has compiled a list of the 12 fruits and vegetables with the most pesticide residue.
As often as you can, buy these 12 organically grown: 
NectarinesApplesPearsStrawberriesImported GrapesCherriesBell PeppersCeleryKaleLettuce, and Carrots



are in season now!

  • Buy organically grown ones and rinse them in water only when you are ready to eat them. Washing adds moisture and will cause the berries to spoil more rapidly.
  • Eating 8 strawberries a day can improve heart health, lower blood sugar, reduce inflammation, reduce the risk of cancers and even improve cognitive function!
  • Strawberries are also low in calories and fat, and are rich in minerals and vitamins that are essential for optimum health.

In a Nutshell
Eating two dozen Hazelnuts provides 20 percent of the daily value for vitamin E and 90 percent of the daily value for manganese. One ounce, which is about 20 nuts contains 180 calories and 17 grams of fat.
  • Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant, and because it’s fat soluble, it offers protection against damage to the fats that line the outside of every cell in our bodies. When the fats in our membranes become damaged, important cell functions become compromised.
  • Manganese is a trace mineral, that our bodies need small amounts of every day, especially for building strong and healthy bones.

False Advertisement:

We can put the “natural” label on pretty much anything. This is a great a video that explains “natural” labeling on our food products.


Robyn O’Brien, an unlikely food crusader:    

vegsandwich-537x375Pick a day this month and go meatless! On at least two other days, make meat a side dish, not a main course. When choosing meats, pick certified organic, antibiotic and hormone free. Go for the unprocessed, nitrite-free and low-sodium choices when picking luncheon/sandwich meats.

To learn more: www.ewg.org/meateatersguide

Eat Less Oftendelicious:refreshing028
More frequent eating has been shown to increase, not decrease, total calorie consumption.

Scientific studies have shown that reduced meal frequency increases the life span of animals, even when the number calories consumed are the same. The body needs time between the digestion of each meal; only when the digestion has ended can the body most effectively detoxify and promote cellular repair. To maximize health, it is not favorable to be constantly eating and digesting food.

Yours in good health, Dr. Fuhrman

4 Ways to End Food Waste in Modern Farmer:

4 Ways to End Food Waste - Modern Farmer

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